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Homepage University of Warwick


HOME / 11.5 Leamington and Warwick Magic Society Show

Thursday 11 May, 5:00pm-6.30pm

The Oculus: OCO.05, University of Warwick

Performance by Myles Pollock.

Performance-lecture on the themes of Mesmer, enchantment, deception, and belief, from the perspectives of practising magicians. This lecture will be lead by Myles Pollock (MIMC, Gold Star), a member of the Inner Magic Circle who has achieved one of the highest distinctions available to magicians, and his colleagues. This event will further bring the embodied knowledge of artful practitioners into the academy, complementing the performances, workshops, and presentations earlier in the week.

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Mesmer è curato da Mariano Tomatis, già autore di La magia della mente (2008), Te lo leggo nella mente (2013, prefazione di Max Maven) e L’arte di stupire (2014, prefazione di Derren Brown).

Insieme a Wu Ming ha curato il Laboratorio di Magnetismo Rivoluzionario, sperimentazione teatrale tra mentalismo e letteratura.

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