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Homepage University of Warwick


HOME / 12.5 Magical café

Friday 12 May, 5:00pm-8:00pm

Wolfson Research Exchange, University of Warwick

Organized by Elizabeth Turner

Mesmerism disrupts the embedded dualities of mind/body, practice/theory, art/science, illusion/reality and we wish to approach, negotiate with, feel out, and chew over the intersections of these dualities at the Magical Café. The aim of the Café is to create a curious, inclusive, non-hierarchical, and open environment which will encourage the exchange of ideas and practices on the themes described above, and document the collective knowledge in the room. Researchers at all stages and across all departmental affiliations are warmly invited to attend. Participants will be seated at tables of four or five and offered a provocation to respond to by a table host, then move on to a new table with a fresh provocation, until all participants have sojourned at all tables. The tables will be covered with paper tablecloths and pens will be provided, and participants will be encouraged to document their discussions graphically by writing or drawing key words, symbols, images and phrases that emerge from discussion. Afterwards, participants will take part in a plenary discussion in which they will be encouraged to offer insights, reflections and issues that have emerged to the group in its entirety. It is hoped that this event will encourage participants to speak freely and listen to others, offering a platform for sustained discussion and future collaboration.

A sandwich buffet and soft drinks will be provided. Please email Liz Turner ( if you would like to attend so that sufficient catering can be ordered.

Statistics 1 Online | 2 Today | 0 Yesterday | 2 Week | 4 Month | 78 Year | 701 Total

Mesmer è curato da Mariano Tomatis, già autore di La magia della mente (2008), Te lo leggo nella mente (2013, prefazione di Max Maven) e L’arte di stupire (2014, prefazione di Derren Brown).

Insieme a Wu Ming ha curato il Laboratorio di Magnetismo Rivoluzionario, sperimentazione teatrale tra mentalismo e letteratura.

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